Oscar Goldman, Chief of O.S.I., the organization that rebuilt and made better the bionic man and woman.
Aside from giving orders and cautioning his palls not to get in trouble, Oscar was a style maven, sporting the most luscious plaid jacket available from the Sears catalog. He was also known to get in the way just when one of the bionics was about to capture a bad guy, usually resulting in a two parter where the bionic in question would now have to catch the bad guy AND save Oscar.
Oscar Goldman and Briefcase
Poor Oscar wasn’t bionic so Kenner outfitted him with a unique briefcase. Read the following box copy for details:
“This newest action figure is Oscar Goldman, the O.S.I. Chief. Oscar Goldman has a very special briefcase. If opened correctly, the briefcase contains secret files, radio headset and video scanner. However, if the enemy opens the briefcase, it “explodes”! Oscar Goldman comes dressed in checkered sports coat, slacks, turtleneck and shoes.”
This styling toy is one of the harder to find SMDM figures, especially with the briefcase and its contents intact.
Click to see a larger picture of the “secret files”
O.S.I. Headquarters.
I’ve never actually seen one of these, but they come up on eBay occasionally and sell at outrageous prices. Here’s what Kenner had to say about it:
“Official O.S.I. office as seen on television. Oscar Goldman’s desk has a secret panel which reveals a video viewer, showing vital O.S.I. information. Desk also has a “bugging system” with secret alarm. It can be used to “bug” the wall safe or other objects outside O.S.I. office. Uses 2 “C” batteries, not included. Action figure not included”
Click here for a larger picture
Classic toys and ephemera from the 70s
I got one! It’s too geeky cool!
Wow….. I had one of these !!!!
Just messing about through collectables seen this.
My aunt gave me this 35 years ago for my son it belonged to my cousin.
Haven’t fully looked through it but know Oscar and Steve there bionic arm/leg some items unbelievable small concertina folded map of mystery island.