A board game with a hanging voodoo doll and the mysterious moving skull. What could be better? I love the box and board art for this game.
Micronauts Force Commander
The Alien at SDCC
Batman at SDCC
Mattel Battlestar Galactica SDCC exhibit
Clash of the Titans Kraken
I’ve always loved the work of Ray Harryhausen. The skeleton sword fight in Jason and the Argonauts had me rivited, but the first Harryhausen film I ever saw, and my favorite one, was the last one he made, Clash of the Titans. And the best monster in a film with so many great ones was the Kraken.
Clash of the Titans toys are insanely expensive, and none more so than the appropriately monstrously large Kraken toy. I think it is arguably one of the best monster toys ever made. I don’t have a good photo of the toy, but a friend of provides these pictures a sealed box – which he bought for $750.