Munsters vs. Addams Family is a lot like Mary Ann vs. Ginger. Both are awesome, just in different ways. Whichever you like better, this lunch box is still cool
Tag Archives: TV
UFO Lunch Box
UFO is one of my favorite Gerry Anderson series. Sure his Marionation shows were more ground breaking, but I always loved the pure paranoia of UFO better. Not to mention the awesome uniforms and the oh so cool design of the UFO Interceptor.
Lone Ranger Board Game
Battestar Galactica Cylon Bubble Machine
For a show that only ran one season, Battlestar Galactica managed to generate a lot of toys and licensed products. This Cylon Bubble Machine just seems wrong. Cylons wiped out humanity. They committed genocide. Cylons blowing bubbles seems like it sorta takes the sting out of their evilness.
Pee-wee Shrinky Dink
Remember Colorforms Shrinky Dinks? You color them, stick them in the over to shrink ’em, and have decorated pieces of plastic that look like they were colored by a professional because your mistakes are so much smaller? Yeah, they were awesome. You can still get them, but you probably can’t get Pee-wee ones!
Wham-O Rocky and Bullwinkle
I’ve watched a lot of Rocky and Bullwinkle in my time, but I always sorta liked Boris and Natasha better and kept rooting for them to win. Same thing with Dudley and Snidely (and for my money, there is no greater villain name than Snidely Whiplash.)
When I ran across these “non-toxic” Fun-Flex toys from Wham-O I was immediately enchanted. Not usually a big fan of bendy toys, but these I dig.