When it comes to science fiction, there are Star Trek people (with many sub-groups) and Star Wars people (and a few agnostics.) I love Star Wars, and as a kid, I was definitely in that camp, but as I’ve aged, I’ve become a Star Trek man, and I love this lunch box.
Tag Archives: Lunch Boxes
Get Smart Lunch Box
Black Hole Lunch Box
I LOVED this movie despite it being, well, sorta bad. But the Cygnus is just such an awesome ship. And Maximillion so fabulously evil.
Pigs in Space Lunch Box
Muppets Pigs in Space is y absolute favorite Muppets segment, with the hospital and ballroom ones close behind. More importantly, PiS makes an awesome lunchbox.
Green Hornet Lunch Box
Clash of the Titans Lunch Box
Clash of the Titans is actually one of my favorite movies. I loved everything about it. The Harryhausen animation. The monsters. The portrayal of the gods. It blew my mind. I never once saw this lunch box in real life as a kid, but I would have begged for it. After getting my Star Wars one.