Remember Colorforms Shrinky Dinks? You color them, stick them in the over to shrink ’em, and have decorated pieces of plastic that look like they were colored by a professional because your mistakes are so much smaller? Yeah, they were awesome. You can still get them, but you probably can’t get Pee-wee ones!
Tag Archives: Colorforms
Star Trek Colorforms
Outer Space Men
I have loved Mel Birnkrant’s Outer Space Men since I was a kid. The Orbitron was featured in the header of this site for years, and is still the official mascot of BugEyedMonster. At SDCC the last few years, there have been some recreations of the Spacers that I’ve enjoyed, and I just landed a few from the original run. Playing with them prompted me to do a quick search, and I discovered this astounding web site by and about Birnkrant’s work. The Outer Space Men Archive page is devoted to the Spacers with the best pictures I’ve ever seen of the toys, including the ultra-rare second series figures. I’m also putting up my own Outer Space Men page as homage to the wonder that is these AWESOME toys.
Outer Space Men
The old Colorforms Outer Space Men are some of my favorite toys of the late 60s, early 70s. For almost a decade Orbitron was the mascot here on BugEyedMonster.
The OSMs have bees brought back, as you probably know. I posted some photos last year. But here are some shots of this year’s sdcc exclusives and customs.