I found these Masters of the Universe knock off toys at a recent toy show. The seller didn’t really know anything about them either, but they are super fun, and easily as cool as any of the genuine MotU toys from back in the day. I particularly loved the battle elephant and the, um, attention to detail in the dude’s anatomy.
Do you know what this toy line was called and who made it?
You ,sir, have a variety of brands there.Most of those beasties are from molds by Imperial.Try a site called Knock Off Collector.That guy will definitely know what it all is.
I will! I had someone post on FB that the elephant and two-headed lizard beast are from the Lasers, Robots & Galaxies line. The dragon man is from Galaxy Warrior (not to be confused with Galaxy Warriors).
I’m assuming these are mid 80’s toys. I wasn’t too into toys at that point in my life.