Category Archives: Toys

Outer Space Men

Outer Space Men OrbitronI have loved Mel Birnkrant’s Outer Space Men since I was a kid. The Orbitron was featured in the header of this site for years, and is still the official mascot of BugEyedMonster. At SDCC the last few years, there have been some recreations of the Spacers that I’ve enjoyed, and I just landed a few from the original run. Playing with them prompted me to do a quick search, and I discovered this astounding web site by and about Birnkrant’s work. The Outer Space Men Archive page is devoted to the Spacers with the best pictures I’ve ever seen of the toys, including the ultra-rare second series figures. I’m also putting up my own Outer Space Men page as homage to the wonder that is these AWESOME toys.

NYCC: Megos?

My love affair with Mego started with the Star Trek figures and their little blue phasers and communicators, so I was very pleasantly surprised to discover these modern Mego ST:TNG figures.

I realize they probably are old news, but I honestly don’t follow new toys much or at all, so discovering these in a booth at NYCC was a moment of joy.

Yes, I bought them.

Updated classics
Picard! Picaaaard!
I so want my borg to go head to head with my Romulan.

NYCC: MonsterPants Sea-Borg

This site is mostly about old toys. Mostly. But I do post and link to new stuff with a retro connection (which is almost as good as a rainbow connection.) The Sea-Borg from MonsterPants definitely qualify.

They remind me a lot of Illuminaries or Tomland’s 4″ Star Raiders. But don’t just take my word for it…visit their site and decide for yourself.



NYCC: Creatures of Delight

One of my favorites! I just love all the fish...
One of my favorites! I just love all the fish…

One of the coolest surprises of NYCC was running across Creatures of Delight. They were literally at the FAAAAAAAR end of the show and I almost didn’t make it there, but I’m glad I did.

Now, Creatures of Delight isn’t strictly a toy. It’s more like a foam plushy. But the fabulous critters created by T. Oliver Kopian, the mind behind the Creatures of Delight, are just so neat that I couldn’t not write about them. I’d actually seen some of Mr. Kopian’s work on people’s backs or in some stores, but hadn’t realized just how varied his creations were until I ran across the booth. He makes everything from dragons to fish to plants. He even makes wall mounted items like a rhino or dinosaur head. They also come in a pretty impressive array of sizes, from something perfect for your work desk to some items that pretty much need their own end table to display.

Below is a gallery of some of my favorite pieces from across the different categories of toys that Creatures of Delight makes. I have to be honest, the pictures don’t do them justice. In person the colors are so much more vivid and they are just plain fun to hold. The only downside is that they are really much more “art” than “foam plushy.” I don’t know if I’d let my 7 year old play with it because I wouldn’t want her to mess it up. She probably wouldn’t, but they’re so neat I wouldn’t want to risk it. But most of my toys don’t really get played with, so I’m not concerned about durability for my purposes. 🙂

For the most part, Mr. Kopian’s work is found in specialty stores and boutiques, but if you’re dead set on picking up one of his critters (and who doesn’t need a monstrous plant for their desk?) you can go direct to the artist via their web site and pick your own Creature of Delight.

NYCC: Super7

20121023-104033.jpgIf you don’t love Super 7 then there is something wrong with you. These guys are even more into toys and pop culture than I am.

Back at SDCC I brought you some pictures of Super 7’s plans to release a line of 4 inch Alien figures based on toy molds developed at the time of the theatrical release. The toys were scrapped, but the prototypes survived. Decades later we finally get a Ripley toy, but not one of her in her panties.

Super 7 is also doing fast food style glasses based on Alien to coincide with the figure release. At NYCC they had color comps – which look fracking awesome!

(Already setting aside money for the full line of toys and glasses, Frank!)

There was also a display for a Shogun style Boba Fett. Super 7 had previously done a Shogun Stormtrooper (which I wish I had) – but the Boba looks even better!

So check out the pics. Go visit the Super 7 Store site, or of you are a San Fran local, visit their shop. Then buy their stuff!



NYCC updates

Over the next few days I will post a series of updates from New York Comic-Con. Yeah, I know it was a few weeks ago, but there was no good Internet access there and I was busy. So you get it now…

Want to see my comic related posts? Visit Conform and Obey, my writing blog.