As a kid, I spent more time playing with Legos than any other toy and especially loved the space kits. After my family moved abroad it was much easier to get Tente and LocBlocks, so I ended up with a pretty mixed set of building bricks. I still vividly remember getting this exact set and building it for the first time.
All posts by Rick "The BEM"
Space Laser Flight Game
For science fiction fans, the 70s are a golden age. We had Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, Star Trek and a legion of other shows and movies. And we had electronic toys and games like never before. Consider Space Laser Fight, a simple LED game that is barely more than a fire and dodge game. Not much to look at by today’s standards, but you have to love the box art.
Mork and Mindy Figure
For Easter, a tangentially related toy. More from Ork, the other Alien that came out of an egg.
Happy Easter
Wishing you a happy pagan fertility holiday from your friend at the BEM.
Evel Knievel Escape from Skull Canyon
If you were a kid in the 70s, Evel Knievel was a real life super hero dare devil. I’m from Idaho and his jump spot near Twin Falls where he tried to jump the Snake River Canyon is a place I’ve visited more than once. Given the connection, it should be no surprise I love the Evel Knievel toy line from Ideal. Skull Canyon is no Snake River, but it’s as close as a kid can get.
Bionic Woman Wrist Radio
Here’s one for the fans of female action heroes, myself included, a fully functional Bionic Woman wrist radio that can tune in your favorite AM radio stations. Back when it was released, you might have been able to find more than political talk radio to entertain the kids. Think about the fact it’s powered by an AA battery. This thing must be HUGE! But for Dick Tracy fans, it was as close as we were going to get to his awesome wrist wear prior to the release of the Apple Watch.