All posts by Rick "The BEM"

Spider-Man Knock Off

I have an enduring love of all things bootleg and knock-off. I found this Mego-like Super Powers Spider-Man figure at a toy show. I love how the characters in the background don’t have their logos on the uniforms.  

Lots of toy page updates

Baron KarzaAdded a bunch of new pictures and pages over the last few days. Highlights include:

Mystic Skull

A board game with a hanging voodoo doll and the mysterious moving skull. What could be better? I love the box and board art for this game.   


New micro photos – toys for sale

MEL-MINI2Added a few new Micronaut photos to the site. Specifically, Emperor, Mobile Exploration Lab and a Star Searcher box.

Incidentally, (and the reason I shot them) these items are all up for auction on eBay right now.

The Alien at SDCC

Spend much time on BEM and it becomes pretty obvious I have an Alien fixation. This was a really good year at SDCC for both the Ridley Scott Alien and the James Cameron Aliens incarnations.   Not shown is a Super7 prototype for a Kenner style Alien based on the Cameron movie.