ERTL was, hands down, king of licensed die-cast cars. Take this Smokey and the Bandit set, complete with Trans-Am and elephant. But the bit that really sells it is the play surface the set comes with. The perfect gift for Burt Reynolds fans!
All posts by Rick "The BEM"
Cap’n Crunch Board Game
The 70s probably had the best selection of sugary breakfast cereals in history. Cookie Crisp. Trix. Count Chocula. Lucky Charms. And, of course, Cap’n Crunch. I definitely ate my fair share of the kooky captain’s beige little balls, but I can’t imagine what made somebody think “Hey, Captain Crunch would be awesome as a board game!” Nonetheless, kinda glad they did…
Paint by Monster
CHiPs Wheels Willy
I’ve seen (and owned) a number of Mego’s licensed figures, but despite enjoying the TV show, never owned and CHiPs toys. I’d seen them, of course, but a couple cop figures just didn’t excite me. Now, if I’d seen Wheels Willy here (who I’m assuming was in the show) I might have changed my mind. I can’t tell if that’s an eye patch or cyborg implant he has, but he’s a pretty bad ass looking villain.
Battlestar Galactica Cylon Shades
Telstar Colortron
I have, at one point or another, owned most of the game systems you can hook up to a TV, from the original Pong box to Xbox One, but I’d never seen this particular Coleco product until just recently. While it is a cool piece of video game memorabilia, I feel for whoever has to play on the left side of the system unless they are a southpaw.