If it isn’t already painfully obvious, I can’t wait for these Alien drink glasses from Super7 to release! This is the first time they’ve provided some really good pictures and announced a release date of July, so I feel compelled to post.
Alien was one of the first films that just plain scared the pants off me. I have nightmares about going on bug hunts to this day. The Kenner 18′ Alien is still one of my most prized toys. So these drink glasses have a special place in my want list.
The four 16 oz pint glasses each have a scene from the movie on one side and a text description of the life cycle of the xenomorph on the back. Super7 managed to capture each of the scenes that really stuck with since seeing the movie, particularly the Space Jockey. But see for yourself…
Atlantic was an Italian toy company that existed from 1966 to 1984, best known for their scale model soldiers. Although I enjoy a good plastic soldier as much as the next guy, it is their line of Galaxy Serie toys that I fell in love with.
I’ve added Atlantic Galaxy Serie as a toy line to the left and there is an auction for some of these bad boys up on eBay if you have some money you don’t need.
I have loved Mel Birnkrant’s Outer Space Men since I was a kid. The Orbitron was featured in the header of this site for years, and is still the official mascot of BugEyedMonster. At SDCC the last few years, there have been some recreations of the Spacers that I’ve enjoyed, and I just landed a few from the original run. Playing with them prompted me to do a quick search, and I discovered this astounding web site by and about Birnkrant’s work. The Outer Space Men Archive page is devoted to the Spacers with the best pictures I’ve ever seen of the toys, including the ultra-rare second series figures. I’m also putting up my own Outer Space Men page as homage to the wonder that is these AWESOME toys.
Since SDCC 2012 I’ve been talking to you about Super 7’s amazing fast food style Alien glasses that they have in the works.
Well, Wondercon is around the corner and Super 7 will be debuting prototype glasses for the first time ever. You can find them at booth #1166.
The whole set of 16 ounce pint glasses will set you back a paltry $49.95. If I could pre-order them today, I would, but I have to wait for their release sometime this spring. The set’s graphics include:
The Space Jockey
The Alien
Kane’s Chest Burster
Ripley at the airlock.