All posts by Rick "The BEM"
Black Hole Lunch Box
I LOVED this movie despite it being, well, sorta bad. But the Cygnus is just such an awesome ship. And Maximillion so fabulously evil.
Pigs in Space Lunch Box
Muppets Pigs in Space is y absolute favorite Muppets segment, with the hospital and ballroom ones close behind. More importantly, PiS makes an awesome lunchbox.
Universal Monsters Lunch Box
In the Halloween theme I present the greatest collection of monsters known to human kind. On a lunch box.
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Board Game
Disney’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is one of my favorite classic movies. It did such a spectacular job of visualizing the Jules Verne novel and really brought the book alive for me. Part of what makes the story so compelling is Captain Nemo, He’s driven by noble goals, but his pursuit of them is flawed at best, immoral at worst. So the idea of a board game where your task is to navigate the Nautilus away from gun boats that would prevent Nemo’s somewhat dastardly plan seems like a bit of a flawed concept.
Still a cool game though.
Battestar Galactica Cylon Bubble Machine
For a show that only ran one season, Battlestar Galactica managed to generate a lot of toys and licensed products. This Cylon Bubble Machine just seems wrong. Cylons wiped out humanity. They committed genocide. Cylons blowing bubbles seems like it sorta takes the sting out of their evilness.