All posts by Rick "The BEM"

SDCC next week

I will be in San Diego next week for Comic-con. While I will certainly be picking up my Alien ReAction exclusives, I would love to say hello to any other toy fans attending.

Kenner Girder and Panel Set

Saw this today. The Kenner Girder and Panel set was one of my favorite toys as a kid.


Super 7 Alien Toys Catalog

By now you’re familiar with my fanboy adoration of the new Alien products being developed by Super 7. If you’re going to be at Wondercon (and why the frack hasn’t it been brought back to the Bay Area where it belong!? Anaheim? Really? Doesn’t SoCal have enough cons? We don’t have any big ones in the SF area for Odin’s sake!) be sure to pick up the Super 7 Alien Toys Catalog, pictured below. It’s based on those classic Star Wars figures catalogs that I used as a Christmas and birthday wishlist generator.

I wish I was going…

Super 7 Alien Toys Catalog

My Batman story available now!

What’s the point of having a blog if you don’t sometimes toot your own horn? None I say!

To that end, my two part, digital first, Batman story for the rebooted Legends of the Dark Knight is up on Comixology and ready for your reading pleasure!

Check out my writing and comics blog, Conform and Obey, for more details!

NYCC: Megos?

My love affair with Mego started with the Star Trek figures and their little blue phasers and communicators, so I was very pleasantly surprised to discover these modern Mego ST:TNG figures.

I realize they probably are old news, but I honestly don’t follow new toys much or at all, so discovering these in a booth at NYCC was a moment of joy.

Yes, I bought them.

Updated classics
Picard! Picaaaard!
I so want my borg to go head to head with my Romulan.

NYCC: MonsterPants Sea-Borg

This site is mostly about old toys. Mostly. But I do post and link to new stuff with a retro connection (which is almost as good as a rainbow connection.) The Sea-Borg from MonsterPants definitely qualify.

They remind me a lot of Illuminaries or Tomland’s 4″ Star Raiders. But don’t just take my word for it…visit their site and decide for yourself.

