The latest site update is the Star Wars Electronic Laser Battle game.
Okay, I said I’d soon put up Jay J. Arms, aka JJ Arms pages. It only took me FIVE WHOLE MONTHS!
I work on glacial speed settings. But hey, I was trying to finish my novel, write some comics, and do a bunch of other crap to avoid actually doing things I’m supposed to do. Any way, here you go. JJ. Enjoy.
Eventually I’ll get around to posting the stuff I have on his super cool 70’s van!
I promise.
Real soon now…
In the next few days I’ll finish up with TH3 Project pages and start adding a page or two on handless detective J.J. Arms. I had this one as a kid and loved it. Made me want to lose my hands…
Just posted a few items on ebay. A MISB Zoids, two JJ Arms figures (a page on him coming soon) some Mego-like War Heroes figures, and a bunch of the TH3 Project toys.
I had lunch with a very cool guy last week who was in town interviewing. We were chatting and it came up that I run this site. Which he was hugely surprised to learn, especially since he was a big fan of the site.
We talked some more and he (rightfully) chastised me about not updating the site a bit more often, especially since I am unemployed at the moment and have a lot of time on my hands.
So, in honor of the guy who bought me lunch because I forgot my wallet (seriously, how pathetic is that?) I am updating the site with a toy line most of you are probably unfamiliar with, the Italian Sci Fi series from Edison Giocattoli, TH3 Project. If you like 70’s Sci Fi, you’ll love these toys…
Up now is the overview page. This week I will add a page dedicated to two of the characters, Tharos and Thitan, two of the playsets, Video Control and Black Genius, and a page with some random, but cool, scans and pictures.
UPDATE: Added a Black Genius page.
Next weekend is the Time Tunnel Toy Show in San Jose. Great place to pick up stuff. Let me know if you’ll be there, would love to say hello!