All posts by Rick "The BEM"

Holy batman’s buttons! 4 months = no update

Wow. I suck. But to be fair, I got a full time job in August, and there was all those holidays and I got a year older (reaching a depressing milestone, I might add.)

In the intervening months I have developed a renewed fascination with all things ray gun. Especially 70’s ray guns with lights and sounds. Unfortunately, I have neither the cash nor the space for an extensive ray gun collection, so this fascination has expressed itself mainly in ebay browsing. I have seen some REALLY cool items go through the stream. I’ve asked the listing ebayers permission to use their images here, and will be putting together a Ray Gun Gallery with those images soon. For now, check out the Shoot Out In Space page.

Shoot Out In Space
Shoot Out In Space

Mini update to Rom the Space Knight

Added a box shot of the Palitoy Action Man Rom the Space Knight version.

Lots of Stuff on Ebay

Cleaning house. Check out my ebay auctions for a bunch of great toys. WWII War Heroes, Mego Knights, Fighting Furies, Action Jackson, Pulsar and more.

Evel Knievel King of the Stuntmen

Do you remember Evel Knievel? I sure do. Loved his name. Had his stunt cycle too. But just ran across this item the other day at a toy show. Nice fellow selling it let me snap a picture. Quality is right up there with Action Jackson accessories, if not better.

Evel Knievel Artic Explorer Set
Evel Knievel Artic Explorer Set

Added Microman, War Heroes, Zee Toys Firebirds, and Superman to the site

US MarauderStarted a fledgling Microman section. I won’t try to replicate the awesome work done by other sites cataloging this massive toy line, but you will find nice photos from my collection. If you’re not familiar with this line of awesome Japanese toys, take a look at my first posting – The Microman Speed Jumper.

Like WWII? Check out the War Heroes. A line of Mego like action heroes from the Big One. Both carded and loose photos.

Traditional super heroes more your bag, baby? Come fly with Superman. Lex, Jor El, and General Zod all grace the BEM.

And for the die cast fan in you, don’t miss the Zee Toys Firebirds.