All posts by Rick "The BEM"

Love those ray guns of SDCC


For the steam punk, retro sci fi lover in you comes these FREAKING AWESOME ray guns from Dr. Grordbort. If I were rich, which I’m not, I would totally have a wall of these things. It is a good thing I have a very strict budget when I go to SDCC.

Dr. Grordbort's Guns

Toys of ComicCon 2011


ComicCon 2011 was another great show. As always, there were TONS of toys for fans of pretty much, well, anything. There were a few though that really caught my eye. My hands down favorite was the re-release/re-creation of The Outer Space Men. You’ll note the red one, Orbitron, who is the unofficial mascot of the site. I don’t generally by repros of old toys, but with these I may just make an exception.

The Outer Space Men

There's my boy! Sniffle.

But wait! There is a runner up. Hasbro, which maintains a store on the show floor if you can believe it, did have one toy set I liked. Not a remake, or vintage-ish, but based on one of my all time favorite movies. For the low low price of $80, you could pick up a six figure set of Indiana Jones figures. I love Indiana Jones…Be sure to check out the close up on Toht. I’m meeeeeelting! I’m meeeeelting!

Indiana Jones Collector's Set

Toht, he melts, he heils!

Been adding to the site

Slowly but surely, more toys coming online. For this latest update, catch the following:

Ray Guns: Lots and lots of awesome space guns. A Mazinga ray gun, Flash Gordon (the movie) gun, and some other cool ones. Totally worth looking at.

TH3 Project: Added a Thur gun and a page on the ZX series of guns. Related to above, sure, but TH3 baby.

Micronauts: A Grandstand Toys knock off Deltarian Fighter. Have to see it to believe it.

Enjoy! More to come.

What’s up?

Ideal Cap Gun

Been watching vintage Electric Company with my 6 year old. I still love Easy Reader. Also just finished watching the American version of Life on Mars. What a spectacular show!

Watching that awesome 70’s-ness turned my thoughts to toys and BEM. So a few updates.

Check out the new Ray Guns category. Lots more coming there.

Also check out the crazy cool Deltarian Fighter in the Micronauts section. If you are a micro fan, so worth checking out.

Commodore 64 is Back!

I do sometimes diverge from the realm of toys on BEM. But usually only with a good reason.

The return of one of the seminal computers of my youth seems like a good enough one. Commodore USA just announced they were bringing back the C64. Not the original one, but a brand new computer in C64 housing. I don’t normally get PCs. I’m a Mac guy. But this one I just might have to have.

Read more about it over at my other site: Conform and Obey.

Tente Set

Went to the San Jose Super ToyShow today. I went partly to entertain my daughter and partly to browse for toys. The last few shows have been short on interesting finds so I didn’t have a lot of hope for this one.

Just as we were leaving, though, I looked in a $1 bin and saw this Tente mini-set. I couldn’t believe I found such a cool toy AND that it was a buck.

I have come across a number of Tente sets over the years, but have never seen a mini-set like this. Can’t decide whether to open and build it or keep it sealed.