All posts by Rick "The BEM"

Mork & Mindy

Funny show. Amusing toy. But I didn’t want it as a kid and totally understand why as an adult.

Ben Cooper Costumes

Costumes from the 70s and earlier were a lot simpler (and less comfortable) than current ones. But if you were going to go out on Halloween back then, chances are you were sporting a Ben Cooper costume. My brother and I definitely wore our share. The ones below probably wouldn’t have been tops on our list of costumes, but they are still pretty awesome.





Janice West

I have never liked Western toys as much as Sci-Fi toys, largely due to the limitless potential of sci-fi and that the only western toys available in my youth were Lone Ranger related (which I did have.) But I have always loved westerns on tv and film. The Johnny West line was a bit before my peak toy playing years, but I think I would have liked them.


Pee-Wee’s Playhouse Playset

I love Pee-Wee. And his wacky Playhouse. And his Christmas Special. So I would kill to have this awesome playset and just stick it on a shelf to gaze upon while sitting in Chairy and contemplating the secret word of the day.

Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea

Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea was an okay movie that turned into a great tv show in the 60s. I think these toys must be from the show, but whichever one it is, they are so very cool. I will have to dig out that DVD tonight…