I’ve always been a big fan of Star Trek. I’m not old enough to have seen the Original Series in first run, but I distinctly remember going to see Star Trek: The Motion Picture in theaters. As big a deal as Star Wars was for me, Star Trek was a pretty close second. And I was just old enough to remember the Christmas when I got BOTH the Electronic Enterprise and the Electronic Phasers. I didn’t know it at the time, but there were actually a LOT of toys for the movie that I wished I’d had as a kid. But the nice thing about growing up and having eBay is I can have them now. For a price.
I just re-watched the movie, so I decided to take some time and photograph some toys and create a Star Trek: The Motion Picture section on the site. It covers all the awesome Mego ST:TMP toys, as well as the electronic toys from South Bend.