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The Toy List
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jaime sommers - the bionic woman

Feminism meets high technology. Jaime Sommers was the female bionic counter part to Steve Austin.

His former girlfriend, Jaime was in an accident and the only way to save her was to, you guessed it, make her bionic. Naturally, she lost her memory of their tender moments together and got her own show. Or maybe Steve lost a few other parts in his accident they didn't talk about on the show...

Bottom line is the girls got a bionic super woman to play with.

Both on her show and as a toy, Jaime Sommers had bionic hearing and legs. As a toy, Ms. Sommers also came equipped with the mission purse, faithful tote bag for hair brush, make up, secret plans, and orders from O.S.I.

Like Steve, the lady bionic had roll back plastic skin that would reveal bionic components that could be connected to Steve's Bionic Transport and Repair Bay or a number of other accessories.


Bionic Beauty Salon

Of course, it's not easy being a beautiful bionic super-heroine. Fortunately, a Bionically endowed Salon is available to primp Jaime before going on dangerous missions.

Sports Car

Barbie had a sports car, so why not Jaime? This styling roadster is a mean road machine, with a pop up hood and a petite trunk to hold Jaime's mission purse.

Fashion Accessories

Of course no lady bionic agent can accomplish her missions with just one outfit, so Kenner released a variety of fashionable outfits for the bionic babe that suited every occasion from formal evening wear to a day at the Copa Cabana. Don't forget those trusty bell bottom denims!

Carriage House

Can you say bionic dream home? Between missions Jaime can kick back in her posh pad complete with spiral staircase, dining room table and boudoir. Perfect for entertaining bionic boyfriends or just relaxing.


Read More
· Maskatron
· Oscar Goldman
· Jaime Sommers
· Bionic Bigfoot
· Bionic Accessories
· Licensed Products

· Bionics at
· Six Million Dollar Site
· Episode guide at Pazsaz
· Bionic Woman Poetry Book