Spend any time on the site and you will quickly learn I love Alien. I was a huge booster of Super 7 when they were working on the first set of ReAction Alien figures, so when they announced the Playset, I lined up at SDCC to order it. Nearly a year later, it finally arrived. I loved my old Star Wars cardboard and plastic Hoth sets so I had high expectations for the Alien set, and they were largely met. The quality of the plastic base and the cardboard are excellent. But unlike the Hoth sets, the backing on the alien relies on some pretty long flange pieces to hold the backing in place, so you need a good 4 inches or more of extra space behind the set for display purposes. The graphic on the cardboard is quite good, although a little dark. A nice touch is the shot of the Jaugernaut at the top. Photos below if my boxing. If you’re an Alien fan, it is a pretty great addition to a collection and looks great next to the Super7 “Early Bird” Alien display stand if you managed to pick that up.