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the space knight
Here, on a bright new horizon, stands a figure of modern
electronic technology. He is Rom - a creation with powers
you can hardly imagine.
Through the magic of advanced circuitry, Rom's electronic
features and accessories create striking effects in
sound and light. Sparked by these innovations, a child's
imagination will soar.
Parker Brothers welcomes you to an age of microelectronic
lights, sounds and excitement.
The age of Rom has come!
Click here for a bigger
picture of Rom.

Rom's Accessories
From left to right: Energy Analyzer, Translator,
Bottom: LED cable that lights up Rom's accessories

Rom the Space Knight has two red LEDs for eyes that
light up, two red LEDs in his chest that pulse, and
two red LEDs in his rocket packs that pulse when his
jets are turned on. He also has a utility cable with
an LED on it that plugs into his tools to give them
a glowing red light as well. Most Roms are missing the
utility cable.
In addition to Rom's lights, he also makes sounds.
On his back are two buttons. By pressing specific button
combinations, Rom will make different sounds, including
breathing, his jet pack thrusters, and sounds for his
energy analyzer, translator and neutralizer.
Rom launched with a comic book by Marvel that actually
faired better than the toy. In the comic, Rom's mortal
enemies were the Dire Wraiths, nebulous energy beings
that could appear as humans. With his energy analyzer,
Rom could detect the Wraiths, and with his neutralizer,
send them back to the void they came from.
