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I have left it up so that people who have linked to it can still find what they are looking for. For the most up to date version of the site, please click the header, or click here. You can still find the same pics and toys as in this archived version of The BEM, but you'll also find my blog and any newer content I've added. Thanks!

The Toy List
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 Lord of the Rings

When Ralph Bakshi released his animated version of Tolkien's landmark fantasy series Lord of the Rings, toymaker Knickerbocker released a set of figures to go along with the film. Despite being well made, the relative failure of the film and poor promotion of the toys makes them pretty scarce collectibles. MOC examples of these toys, especially the Righwraith, can fetch up to $500 on ebay. Most of the characters come with accessories like swords or wands. Frodo and the Ringwraith also have steeds.


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Ringwraith Charger

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· Knickerbocker web site
· Middle Earth site
· FilmForce Lord of the Rings site