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The Toy List |
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Kenner Alien
The 1977 Kenner Alien is one of the most sought after
Alien movie collectibles. When the toy was first on
shelves, it had a lot going against it, including the
fact that the movie was rated R. Parents also thought
the toy to frightening or ugly for children, and since
the children weren't that aware of the movie, their
demand was low. The result was that few were actually
sold through.
Besides being rare, the Kenner Alien is usually found
loose and damaged, as it is a very poorly made toy.
The back
spikes often break off, especially the top center
one, as well the tail, which is attached by a sharp
metal ring inside the body which tends to cut off the
plastic anchor. The
translucent dome that covers the alien head is often
lost, which has led to a none too small market in replacement
domes. The
interior set of teeth, which can thrust out the
the aliens mouth by
a lever, are also frequently missing. The arms are
attached by rubber rings that also get brittle with
age, occasionally leaving the alien an amputee.
The usual poor condition of the alien has resulted
in boxed ones selling for over $500, while loose complete
ones go for upwards of $300.

Toy Instructions and Poster
Not usually found with a loose Alien, this is the instruction
sheet that came with it, documenting the jaw opening
lever, the glow in the dark brain case, and the limited
poseability of the alien's wrists and tail.
On the opposite side, the poster highlights the face
hugger, Riply with the cat, the sleep chamber, an opening
egg, and Dallas peering at the Juggernaut.
Alien Game
A relatively common Alien collectable from 1977 is
this board game, which takes players through the Nostromo
and the wrecked Juggernaut space craft
Movie Viewer
Although this item from the movie isn't easily found,
it doesn't necessarily sell for too much. The movie
viewer is typical of many others like it from the '70s,
the user turns a crank and a mini film strip from the
film is shown. Considering the audience for the film,
it is surprising that so many kiddie toys were made
for it.
